About Us
Who are we?
We are one of the largest Christian Montessori communities in the USA, with over 500 active learners. We are one Academy (a 501c3 non-profit organization) with four campuses - Central (Roseville); Lab Campus (Bloomington); Highcroft (Wayzata), and a Virtual Campus as well.
What do all the words in our name mean?
Christian = We are Christ-followers, and love is the most important thing. We love because He first loved us. We are a non-denominational, Gospel-centered, Christian community that believes "in the essentials - unity; in the non-essentials - liberty; and in all things - charity." We stand on Ephesians 1 as our theological posture.
Montessori = We offer an educational method based on observation with respect for children as active learners, prepared environments, and trained teacher guides. Choice and control are paramount as we focus on respect, responsibility, and resourcefulness. Montessori is the name derived from the founder of the method and materials - Dr. Maria Montessori.
Hand In Hand = We believe that Jesus took children seriously and called them to Himself, placed His HANDs on them and blessed them, and said the Kingdom of Heaven belonged to those who were like children. We believe that true learning occurs when the child can do things for himself/herself and have the activities in HAND along with freedom and boundaries, and an open work cycle. The HAND is the chief teacher of the child. We believe that parents are an essential part of education and should be encouraged, educated, and embraced with a HAND-shake style partnership.
Our Lab School has a long and wonderful history with Bethany Global University which began in 2010 with some Christian Montessori Training courses and an on-site lab school for young children. In 2015, in partnership with Hand In Hand Christian Montessori, the program expanded to a full-service program for preschoolers through elementary, along with an accredited Christian Montessori Training Center serving college students and adult learners, with visions of both stateside and worldwide expansion.