To advance the Kingdom of God through Christian Montessori by educating infants through adolescents to love, learn and lead; we offer individual, innovative, inspirational lessons through which learners can experience purpose for today and be prepared for tomorrow.


We love Jesus. He is the center of who we are, why we educate, and what we teach. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. We bind this truth on the hearts and the hands of the children. We want children to LOVE God, themselves, and others as well.
Learning is an active and constructive process. Constructivist education emphasizes hands-on involvement, critical thinking, problem solving, organization, self-advocating. We want children to LEARN authentically for their entire lifetime.

Believing that parents are the first and foremost teachers of their children, we work hand-in-hand with parents in a unique fashion as we partner in the education of the child. We also want children to LEAD in collaborative efforts with others.